Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day 138–Kari’s Top Ten Reasons to Hate Camping

Reason #1:  Bugs, Reason#2:  Outhouses, Reason #3:  Can’t sleep at night because it’s too darn cold, Reason #4:  Sleeping in a tent is just not comfortable, even with an air mattress.  Reason #5:  Dirt,  Reason #6:  Cold showers, Reason #7:  Everything and everyone stinks like campfire and sweat, Reason #8:  Blisters from hiking  Reason #9:  No electricity, Reason #10 Yes, that is the flat tire that I got driving up the rocky dirt roads.  Ugh!  This is not my idea of “fun”…  


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kari, it could have been worse you could've had to change that flat tire by yourself.