Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day 136–Father’s Day 2011

This is my dad.  (see left below) 

He is a one-of-a-kind guy.  When I say there’s no one like him, I really mean it, and those who know him would wholeheartedly agree.  He loves his motorcycle and new little red Triumph.  He serves faithfully in his church.  He is currently a temple-worker at the Oquirrh Mountain Utah LDS Temple and loves serving the Lord and helping others.  He can fix anything.  Really.  Anything.  If he doesn’t have the right tool to fix something, he will make a tool.  He is almost 80, and his mother is still alive…so he genetically possesses the “longevity gene”.  If I got that gene, I am only 33 and have a lot of years left in me.  He is a POW of WWII and survived beatings, starvation and torture during capture in a Japanese Concentration camp as a child.  He has determination.  He immigrated to this country with  just a few dollars in his pocket and didn’t speak a word of English (Ok.  He admittedly knew 4 words of English.  “I have a home” was what he wrote on his citizenship application to prove he knew English).  After furthering his education and learning to speak English, he turned a meager start into a wonderful life with a large family, a beautiful home and a loving wife.  He is funny and makes us laugh, probably because he isn’t trying to be funny, he just is.  He is a current event junkie.  He watches Fox News 24/7 and likes to be informed on what’s going on in the world. 

And that’s a little bit about my dad.   Happy Father’s Day!                


1 comment:

Krysta said...

Love your words! TOTALLY your dad. :)